An Integrated Development of the Water and Energy Sectors to face Climate Change in the Maghreb Countries: Situation and Prospects

L. Oualkacha, L. Stour, A. Agoumi, A. Kettab


Abstract: The results of the fifth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) show that the Maghreb region is threatened by climate change, which could significantly increase the relevance of water development policies, given that economic growth of the majority of Maghreb countries is closely related to water resources. To face this threat, the Maghreb countries (Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia) have adopted climate change adaptation strategies that highlighted many alternatives to resolve water scarcity and the threat of climate change. However, the adopted alternatives and solutions include economic irrigation options and non-conventional resources with high energy consumption such as water desalination and water reuse. Therefore, developing these alternatives will increase the energy consumption in the water sector. The aim of this paper is to analyze the strategic issues of the integrated development of the water and energy sectors, as well as the level of interactions and nexus between water and energy that are considered in the sectors policy management and planning in the Maghreb countries. The analysis is focused on the case of Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia and aims to identify some strategic recommendations and orientations to promote an integrated development of the water and energy system. The SWOT analysis (SWOT standing for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threat) is used to undertake this analysis.

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