Effect of agricultural practices on weeds seedbank in Nord Algeria

Z. Mohammedi, D. Bougdal, S. Hechad, R. Labad


Abstract: The aim of the experiment is to study the development of the weeds of the Vitron variety of durum wheat, conducted according to three technical itineraries, conventional work, minimum labor and direct seeding by analyzing the effects of each technique on the seedbank of weeds.

The seedbank of weeds was estimated in the 0-15 cm and 15-30 cm horizons, on the other hand an assessment of the weeds of the surface was carried out.

The results obtained through this study showed that; Conventional labor increases the deep stock in the long term and regularly, as opposed to the minimum work that concentrates it in the first centimeters of the soil while the direct seeding leaves it on the surface. On the other hand, the plowing made it possible to destroy all the weeds present on the plot worked with the plow, which made it possible to obtain a biomass at the low heading stage at the level of the TC with 73.7 g / m² versus 93.73 g / m² for the MT and 185.27 g / m² for the SD.

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