The study of biochemical markers resistance in Melia azedarach seedlings under heat stress

N. Benkouachi, D. Alatou, H. Rejeb


Abstract: The present study aims at investigating the thermal stress effect on the physiology of ornamental Melia azedarach seedlings to adjust to high temperatures. The heat stress was carried out through raising temperature degrees of 38 °C, 42 °C and 44 ° C for a period of 3 hours. The results showed that proline and soluble sugar accumulated in response to high temperatures, the highest values have been observed at the roots at 44°C where the experimenter recorded a rate of increase ranging from 976.92% to 987.96% respectively. Soluble proteins content quantity in the leaves increased more than that one in the stems and roots. The highest values were observed at 42°C and represented by a percentage of 56.64%. Activities of the antioxidant enzymes; CAT (catalase) and POD (peroxidase) were significantly increased by heat stress at 38°C. Then, the rate of the activity declined with the increase of the temperature. The results obtained from the process made the situation easier and help to identify the possible applicable stress indicators to the urban growing of the Melia plant in order to avoid the problems of premature aging urban trees vitality. 

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