Sensitivity analysis of groundwater vulnerability maps in the Messaad plateau. South Algerian steppe region.

B.E. Rahmani, O. Guefaifia, L. Gouaidia, F. Baali


The Messaad plateau is part of the arid zones, located in the region of the South Algerian steppes, with annual precipitation of around 150 mm. This area includes the Barremian aquifer, which plays a very important role in the supply of drinking water and irrigation water. The objective of this work is to assess the vulnerability of groundwater to pollution. The results obtained by the application of the DRASTIC method, show that the areas with high pollution potential are located in the extreme southwest of the watershed, in the south near the Oued Messaad, and in the north at the level of the Ain Naga area. The rest of the area characterized by low to medium vulnerability. The sensitivity analysis after removing one or more maps shows that the vulnerability of groundwater to pollution is largely influenced by the impact of the vadose zone (I), this is confirmed by the single parameter sensitivity analysis , where the effective weight of the impact of the vadose zone (I 29.74%) exceeds the theoretical weight determined by DRASTIC (I 21.7%).

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