Antioxidant activity evaluation and the physico-chemical composition of some Algerian commercial coffees (threatened environment)

M. Djeziri, O. Belfadel, L. Boudriche


The use of different mixtures of products and the addition of cheap raw materials such as chicory, corn and soy alter the sensory and functional characteristics of the beverage based on roasted and ground coffee beans, defects that call into question the quality of the beans imported by the producing countries in Algeria and threaten the environment through the quantities of coffee grounds produced. The objective of our study is the detection of fraud on coffee beans, the differentiation between pure coffee and coffee with sugars, the determination of the antioxidant power of some coffee powders selected in the Algerian trade, and finally to select the best consumable coffee. The physico-chemical analysis of the coffee extracts, gave an acid pH, which varies between 5.71 and 6.19, a moisture content not exceeding 5%, an ash content varying between 4.38 and 5.52%, polyphenols between 11.54 and 34.32 (mg GAE/g MS), an antiradical activity between 26.33 and 81.77% and total sugars varying between 1.156 and 4.38%. At the end of this study, the choice of consumption was made for a type of coffee with superior physico-chemical characteristics and the use of sugar content for their formula below the permitted limit, which results in a low level of regenerated acrylamide with an unpolluted environment.

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