Geographical information and geomatics tools for modelling of carcinogenic sites due to nuclear tests in Algeria

M. Naili, D. Telaidjia, F. Eddaoudi


The impact of radioactivity on the environment and health is very overwhelming, until today these continuous radiations affect local populations by differential cancers, eye diseases, genetic malformations and other rare diseases. Fatal radiation carried by sand, water and poisoned air affects local populations directly or indirectly. The Analysis of spatial phenomena is effective by the use of techniques of geomatics, and that is when the geographical problems are quantitative and qualitative, can be easily applied in identifying and explaining phenomena. In our case how to make knowledge, despite the enormous number of cancer patients, there has been practically no geographical discussion on the aggravating factors linked to radioactive risks, we have not even spatialized radioactive territories in Algeria. The aim of this study is to identify carcinogenic sites by the spatialization of radioactivity due to nuclear tests in Algeria.

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