Experimental and modeling study of CO2 separation from three components gas mixtures with poly(ethylene oxide-co-epichlorhydrin) membranes

M. Metaiche, J. Sanchez, A. Sirat, C. Charmette, B. Sala


In this work we studied the possibility of the CO2 separation from three components gas mixture with poly(ethylene oxide-co-epichlorhydrin) membranes. Experimental results showed that the temperature increasing enhance the permeability and allows decreasing the separation factor. The CO2 permeability increases four times when the temperature enhances from 298 °K to 325 °K. Modeling work has been carried out considering spiral wound modules and taking into account the pressure drop and hydrodynamic behavior. Different configurations with various modules in series and in parallel and with recycles have been considered for this process. We observed that at 325 °K, the highest temperature considered the number of pressure tubes necessary for the separation was lower than for 298 °K but need more stages and steps.

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