Formulation of a dessert cream enriched with the fruit Zizyphus lotus L based on an edible gelatin obtained from raw tannery waste

S. Smaili, H. Aksas, R. Larid


Our study is part of sustainable development and environmental protection, consists in recovering raw hides wastes from tannery in the agri-food sectors in the form of gelatin and focuses on the possibility of assessing the role of using fruit of Zizyphus lotus L in dessert cream to improve its sensory and nutritional qualities. The results of the physical-chemical tests of Zizyphus lotus L. are satisfactory, and namely: the water content 15.65 %; ashes 3.52 mg; the rate of soluble solids 8 °Brix; pH 6.66; electrical conductivity 2.17μs/cm; titratable acidity 1.12g; lipids 0.97%; carotenoids 0.213 mg; polyphenols 0.471mg; antioxidants 0.206 %; total sugars 17.19 g/l; cellulose 1.95 %; protein 1.87 % and pectin 2.78 mg. The Zizyphus lotus L appears to be richer in mineral elements potassium 57.21 mg; calcium 85 mg; sodium 130 mg; magnesium 66 mg; zinc 2.52 mg; iron 2.75 mg; copper 0.68 mg; manganese 2.35 mg. The organoleptic and rheological characteristics of the dessert cream show that the dessert cream made with 90 % of the aqueous extract of Zizyphus lotus L. and 2 g of the gelatin got from raw tannery waste is the most appreciated compared to other gelatin compositions, this dessert cream gives very interesting results.

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