Biodegradation tests for leachates from a technical landfill in Algiers

O. Balamane-Zizi, F. Atmani, N. Nasrallah


Abstract: The purpose of this study is to test the biological treatment of leachates from Corso landfill (East of Algiers). These leachates are characterized by  high concentrations of organic matter, (CODmax=6000 mgO2/L; BOD5 max= 3400 mg / L), which gives a ratio BOD5 / COD of 0.56 showing that the leachate is young and has a good biodegradability, and confirming the fact that a biological treatment is possible. Similarly, high level of mineral matter was observed (Conductivity max= 43mS/cm), pH is neutral to basic tendency; values vary between 7 and 8.5. The results obtained after the kinetics of biodegradation allowed reducing the COD of 60% on average. In addition, a significant decrease in color after treatment was observed.

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