Control Study of the Liquid Volumetric Flow using the Dynamic Metering System

M. Oulhadj, A. Harrouz, A. Benatiallah


Abstract:This paper presents control study of a liquid volumetric flow using the dynamic metering system, This subject is necessary especially in case of fiscal metering operation because of the transactional use between two different partners, which encompasses not only the quantitative study but also qualitative results of this control so those results are important. To accomplish this purpose, the authors of the paper propose to use the equations, which can calculate the correction factors of hydrocarbon mass flow. The article describes the measuring devices used in this control as well as the applied inspections on these devices and the uncertainty related to this measurement, it identifies also the maximum permissible errors of each element constituting the liquid metering system. The paper presents a comparative analysis of the obtained measurement error for each instrument with the MTE.

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