Heavy metals in flue gas emission and ash generated by an incineration plant for hospital and industrial waste in Northern of Algeria

F. Guenane, Y. Kerchich, M. Hachemi


Abstract :Metal elements in ash and flue gas emission samples, generated by an incineration plant of clinical and industrial waste, were investigated at the sole incineration waste plant currently operating in Northern Algeria. We studied the incineration of several types of waste like wastewater treatment plant sludge, expired pharmaceuticals and clinical waste. For each of them, we collected samples of flue gas particulates and ashes after incineration. The characterization of the metal elements associated with the ash and flue gas particulates was carried out by X-Ray Fluorescence analysis (XRF). Flue gas results indicated that the emission concentrations of the regulated metal elements, expressed in mg Nm-3, were in the range of 0.0004 – 0.4090 for Sb+As+Pb+Cr+Co+Cu+Mn+Ni+V+Sn and 0.0005 to 0.1540 for the total of Cd+Ti, while for the regulated toxic metal elements in ash related to the recovery, maturation or storage of solid  incineration residues; expressed in percentage, average levels reported were respectively 0, 0.003, 0.0001 and 0.001 for  Hg, Pb, Cd and As. The results showed that the contribution of the metal elements analyzed was relatively low for all the matrices analyzed. To confirm the influence of the presence of chlorine in the waste on the concentrations of the metallic elements in the gaseous emissions, a characterization of chlorine and others chemical components as C,Si,K elements in flue gas particles was performed using SEM-EDX.

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