The analysis of the behavior crack in different materials

I. Hebbar, A. Boulenoaur, D. Ouinas, A. Hebbar


Abstract: The aims of this study present a three-dimensional finite element method for the analysis of fractures in a mixed mode of two materials the Functionally Graded (FGM) and the composite materials. The modeling was carried out on a hull containing an inclined crack, provided by a fine mesh around these crack points due to singular elements. The structure is examined under the effect of transient thermal stresses. The singularity of the deformations around the crack front is simulated by singular elements. The stress intensity factors of modes I, II are calculated by applying the displacement extrapolation technique (DET) and presented as a function of time. The different types of FGM are examined in parametric analyzes which are rich in metals, rich in ceramics. The results provided illustrate the influences of the inclination angle of the cracks on the transient behavior of the stress intensity factors in mixed mode. The mechanical behavior of this material has been described by the exponential function The numerical evaluation of this factor is determined using the Numerical code.

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