Analysis of the physical and mechanical behaviour of uncompacted soils under the action of cultivation techniques and consequences on cereal development: case of durum wheat

M.N. Mebarki, M.A. Feddal, S. Feddal Taibi


This work, which is a part of a research program about the problem of introducing simplified cultivation techniques in Algeria, focuses on an analysis of the effect of three cultivation techniques for the establishment of a cereal crop on the physical properties of the soil and the consequences on root development and the yield of durum wheat. The experimentation was carried out at the central farm of ENSA. The results clearly show that the technique used affects the evolution of soil moisture, porosity, and penetrometric resistance. The water content in the soil is better conserved with direct seeding, the porosity is slightly higher with the conventional technique. As far as penetrometric resistance is concerned, the soil is more resistant on the no-till plot. Root development is better in the plowed plots. It could be concluded that root density is strongly correlated with penetrometric resistance Root density (TC) = 13.89 - 0.41 * Rp (TC). The soil compressibility test showed that the water content increases the compaction phenomenon.

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