Impact of olive mill wastewaters on soil fertility of an Algerian olive grove

M. Hamlat, M. Ourari, L. Djafri-Bouallag, A. Derridj


Olive mill wastewaters (OMW) are a problem of environmental pollution that affects all countries of Mediterranean basin. In this study, OMW from a local variety (Chemlal) are used as fertilizer and are spread at different concentrations (5 l/m², 10 l/m² and 20 l/m²) in an olive orchard (ITAFV, Sidi-Aich, Algeria).

Eight physicochemical parameters are analyzed, first on the OMW then on the soil in order to follow spreading impact and its evolution over time. The high acidity of OMW does not have a great influence on soil pH, because of its limestone nature. At low concentrations, these effluents improve soil fertility, by increasing rate of organic matter (0.74%) and fertilizing elements concentrations, especially phosphorus (29.1 mg/kg), nitrogen (286 mg/kg) and potassium (271.2 mg/kg). On the other hand, on high concentration, the high value of potassium that reaches a threshold of 581.8 mg/kg, can induce a risk of pollution and impair soil fertility. All parameters analyzed show a decrease in their rate over time, with a tendency to return to initial state of soil before spreading.

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